Watercubs & Kivisilmän

working show-quality newfoundlands

Introduction Our Dogs News Puppies Working Articles Photo Gallery
Larinkallion Brysselinblicca "Capri" Larinkallion Huomiongohde "Vera" Kivisilmän Monitoimikone "Ruuti" Co-owned dogs



summer 2012

International, Estonian & Swedish & Luxembourg & Finnish Champion
Belgian Veteran Winner 2017
Benelux (Belgium) Veteran Winner 2017
Top 20 Newfoundland in Finland 2012

Baron - Kivisilmän Muskettisoturi 
(23.11.2008- )

Waterwork: UK level A, Achievers Veteran, DE level A, EE level A & B
Shows CAC: FR, EE, SE, LUX, BE, FI        CACIB: EE, SE, ES
Draft: UK Beginners
Obedience: UK level 1, UK Level 2

Picture gallery

Baron in movement (spring 2014) (video)

Flying Tail's C-litter (06.05.2015) (3 black boys, 3 brown boys) - Finland
Dockside's (11.11.2016) (1 brown male, 1 brown female, 2 black males, 2 black females) - Colorado, USA



  Baron spring 2014                                                            Baron summer 2012                                                         Baron summer 2012

                                Shows                                                                    Waterwork                      



Baron is a very healthy, very active Newfoundland.
He has a good coat and good skin; we can leave him to dry on his own after waterwork. He does not have any allergies.

Heart: Healthy (Echo doppler, summer 2012; Auscultation summer 2015)
Hips: A/A (official X-rays, autumn 2010)
Elbows 0/0 (official X-rays, autumn 2010)
Knees/patellas: 0/0 (official test, summer 2012)
Colour (DNA tested): Brown, does not carry White&Black, does not carry Grey (bbSSDD)
Cystinuria: free
DNA identified

Baron's semen quality and motility has last been tested in March 2017 to be very good fresh, with good post-thaw motility.
His semen has been stored frozen in Finland, Germany, USA and Australia for our own future use, but is available for use on request.


Kivisilmän Muskettisoturi

A/A 0/0, knees 0/0
cystinuria: free
heart: healthy
El Oso Pardo von Baywatch

A/A 0/0
heart: healthy
cystinuria: free
Boradaile's Bifrost Beau
A/A 0/0

heart: healthy
cystinuria: free
Ironwoods R. Naish Ebontide HD: hyvä, ED: normal
Boradaile's Shannon Brown HD: fair, ED: normal, heart: healthy
Chanell No5 von Baywatch
A/A 0/0
heart: healthy
cystinuria: free
Bruder Ludvig Bar vom Gelderland A/A,heart: healthy
Angel von Freudenthal A/A 0/0, heart: healthy
Belgian official K9 Lifeguard
Larinkallion Brysselinblicca

D/D 0/0
heart: healthy
cystinuria: free

Gasparo vom Kaninchenberg
D/D 0/0
Cayuga Ikemarshallofbonaventura A/A, ED: normal
Yuma vom Riesrand  A/A 0/0 OCD: healthy, heart: healthy
Larinkallion Gateudengohde
D/D 0/0
Egebaek's Indiana Jones   B/B
Larinkallion Geminorum Luna


(c) Salmelin