Watercubs & Kivisilmän

working show-quality newfoundlands

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A trimming day in Valkeala (Finland) summer 2008

Our first official grooming day was held in summer of 2008 in Valkeala at our summer cottage. Unfortunately we didn't get too many participants (probably because the speciality show was the day before), but everything went well :-). Everyone got plenty of hands-on advice.

We started by going through a short Powerpoint presentation about dog structure and the different grooming areas. It helped to form a good idea of what we would be cutting and how. When we finally got the scissors in our hands, it was much easier to follow the slideshow again and cut correctly. We also went through the trimming equipment; scissors, brushes, combs etc. so that everyone knew what to use where. For example we all agreed that the Furminator is NOT the right tool for a newf's coat and that the thinning shears MUST be of good quality.

After that we trimmed our Paavo (Larinkallion Herrasmies). We then helped the participants to trim their dogs. Lots of questions were posed and hopefully answered thoroughly :-).

 A participant trimming their dog Pasi

All pictures: Olavi Taskinen


(c) Salmelin